Charity Pearl – The Gambia is a non-profitable, non partisan and humanitarian organization founded by Musa Faal from The Gambia.

All children have needs that go beyond learning standards curriculum concepts, such as reading, writing and numeracy. For the poorest, however, meeting other needs is critical if they are to succeed in the school system. These include: Physical needs, cognitive needs, social and emotional needs, school and attendance needs.
The basic needs of food, health care, shelter and clothing, should be dealt with first. Education is hampered by health issues such as malnutrition, sanitation, illness and, lack of proper health care. Charity Pearl believed children need enough food to concentrate and not to be prone to different diseases due to hunger and lack of essential nutrients.
cognitive stimulation in the early years, poor children often lag
behind their peers in academic achievement, and particularly with
regard to language development. The poorest child might not have a
television at home, but she, or he, is likely to be familiar with
traditional stories. She, or he, may not have piped water where she,
or he, lives but she or he would know the difference between ‘clean
and dirty water’.
this basis, Charity Pearl – The Gambia identified education
as a key to poverty eradication. As a global agenda, the role of
education in poverty eradication must go beyond literacy skills and
school enrolment, to empowering people to take charge of their lives,
and be active participants in social and economic development.
ensure education for all our goals are to strengthen and improve
early childhood education, good quality primary education for all
children, meeting their learning needs and improving all aspects of
the quality of education through the funding mechanisms as a
encouraging measure collaborating with parents and guardians in local
Charity’s work is centered on the development of kids. Motivating
them to and empowering them at all times. Been the case, our slogan
is ‘Kids are the world, let them play’. As the famous saying
goes, ‘all work no play makes Jack a doll boy’. On that note,
Charity Pearl strongly thinks all children of the world must enjoy
and have time to play at any given time without refrain.
- Promoting educations by supporting school going children for sustainable development.
- Providing schools with basic facilities
- Support street, orphans and Children affected by disease to go to school
- Provide relief and response to schools in terms of undue events.
- Support the poor, needy and marginalized children to improve their education
- Non discrimination and respect for diversity
- Participation and inclusion
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